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Church People Programs Calendar Resources For Members
February 26, 2007

Read Exodus 3:1-15

But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" (v. 11)


Can you imagine God telling you to demand an audience with the President of the United States so you could dictate a policy his administration should use to deal with an ethnic minority? Wouldn’t you respond a little like Moses did? Why would the people around the President even let you talk to him, let alone tell him what to do? Why would anyone listen to any of us? Like Moses, most of us are just ordinary citizens.

Moses was reluctant. God said, "I will certainly be with you." I believe that means "I will protect you." Still, Moses haggled with God. Finally God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. … This is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations."

God is telling us that he will equip us no matter what he calls us to do.

I read an article in the newspaper recently about a man who stopped cancer treatments and put his faith in God, no matter the outcome. As I read, I couldn’t help but wonder: Would my faith be strong enough?

If God had tested me in such a manner, would I be able to say "just as I am?" We all have had people in our lives who truly epitomize those words. They give us the strength to do the same – the strength to do God’s calling no matter what he sends our way.

The Lenten season is the time to remember that God is aware of suffering and therefore sent Jesus to give us comfort in our time of need. The Lenten season also reminds us that our time of need is always.

Lord, give us the strength to do your bidding just as we are, to share with others this marvelous gift you have given to each of us in the son who died for our sins. Give us the strength to share this knowledge as we live each day you grant us.

Jolene Dougherty

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