Reformation Lutheran Church A Congregation of the ELCA

Adult Connections

BTOL - Best Times Of Life

Best Times of Life (BTOL) is a fellowship group for individuals who are 55 and older. BTOL meets on the second Monday of each month (except July) at noon in the church Parish Hall for a covered dish lunch followed by a program. Programs are varied in content and may be educational, entertaining, musical or informational.

Women's Circles

The Women of Reformation have a strong history of women's Bible study, service, and fellowship. Circles are small groups that meet monthly for Bible study, fellowship, and service. All women, members and guests alike, are invited to attend any Circle meeting. Circle schedules are listed below:

Circles also provide the glue for many of our ministry projects. Throughout the year, the Women of Reformation sponsor many initiatives designed to provide assistance to those in need including collections of food and clothing, monthly visits to a neighborhood nursing home, and financial support for seminarians.

A ministry group within the Women of Reformation, Blanket Makers creates blankets for students at Oaks Indian Center and lap robes for residents of area nursing homes. Blanket Makers also make a quilt each year for auction to benefit Camp Tomah Shinga.

Blanket Makers

Another dedicated group is the Prayer Shawl Ministry. These talented knitters create prayer shawls to comfort those who need to know others are praying for them, as well as for our high school graduates.

For more information about any of these ministries or Circles, contact the church office.

Women's Night Out

Looking for great conversation and a delicious meal out on the town? Women's Night Out just may be your answer! All women are invited to this monthly gathering for fun and fellowship. The group meets at a different restaurant on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The conversation is always spirited.

It is a great way to get to know some new friends and check in with old friends, all while discovering some great new places to eat out and visiting old favorites.

Contact the church office for more information or to be added to the email group for updates.