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February 24, 2007

 Read II Samuel 12:1-24

Nathan said to David, "You are the man! … Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight?" (vv. 7-9)


Can you imagine trying to fool God? I couldn’t even fool my parents. I’m not sure how they did it, but my parents always seemed to find out when I did something wrong. In today’s story, David learns it is no use trying to hide the truth from God.

The parable reminds me of that tried and true story method in the movies: "I have a friend who ..." How was it that David didn’t see himself in the story? Had he convinced himself that, since he didn’t do the actual act of killing, he wasn’t really responsible? As king of Israel, he was sworn to protect his people, yet his lust made him commit an act he knew was wrong. Since God knows us better than we know ourselves, why did David think he could get away with murder? Maybe he just didn’t think about it.

It seems to me we all fall into that trap. We try to convince ourselves we didn’t do something or it wasn’t as bad as we first thought. We hope no one will notice, and we try to brush it off. But in the end, people of conscience know when they have done wrong. Maybe God is whispering in our ears.

David paid for his sin with the ultimate price for a parent - the loss of his child. Yet he did finally admit to himself and God that he was wrong. God then showed his forgiveness and allowed David to have another son. God gave him Solomon.

Verse 24 says, "The Lord loved him." Who did that mean, David or Solomon? I’m sure it meant both. The Lord never stopped loving David. Yes, he was disappointed, but he always loved David. God also loved Solomon and granted him the wisdom to rule.

Just as I am. My parents loved me just as I am, and God loves us just as we are.

Dear God, help me to be honest with myself and others. Lead me down a path of truth. Keep me from deceiving myself and help me stay true to you, O Lord.

Bob Weaver

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