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Church People Programs Calendar Resources For Members
April 1, 2007

Read John 6:60-71

So Jesus asked the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?" Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (vv. 67-68)


It has never been easy to be a Christian – not when Jesus first taught humans what he expected and hoped for, and not now, so long after his presence, when we cling to hope and faith in a bewildering and dangerous world. As in the theme hymn, we are human, naked in mind, body and spirit. We need to be filled with his body and blood to achieve the eternal life God wants for us.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus tried to teach his disciples that only through the acceptance of his spiritual body and blood could they receive these gifts. It was difficult to understand this, and many left him. They wanted literal and factual statements, physical truth and deeds -- and he taught them about things of the spirit. He tells us that though he has ascended to heaven and his body is beyond this earth, we can still share in his spirit through Communion in his body and blood. Only then can we gain salvation.

Simon Peter answered then for all the believers of all times:

We have believed, and have come to know,
that you are the Holy One of God.

And Jesus confirmed that they were chosen, but yet one of them was to betray him. He thus reminded us that our actions do not make us Christians, but may lose for us the privilege!

So we come as he bid us, we come and ask him to fill us with faith and his blessings, to do God’s work in his name.

Lord God, may your spirit fill and guide us on your path forever, for we pray in the name of Jesus, the Christ.

Steen Mortensen

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