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Church People Programs Calendar Resources For Members
March 31, 2007

Read John 3:1-21

The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. (v. 8)


Nicodemus, a Jewish leader and teacher of the law, looked for signs in order to believe in Jesus. His well-known question, "How can anyone be born after growing old?" indicates a lack of understanding and faith. Jesus answers, "The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit." Without fully understanding God’s actions in our lives, we can believe and trust in God.

One of the most often quoted and memorized verses in scripture is John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." Martin Luther called this the Gospel in miniature, because it truly captures the meaning and purpose of Christ’s life among us. Because of God’s love for humanity, Jesus lived to proclaim that love and died to fulfill that love for us.

In our 21st century culture, we may believe we can find the answer to any question. Through scientific evidence and technology, we can discover the cause and effect of many things that were a mystery to Nicodemus. Indeed, we may know "where the wind comes from and where it goes," thanks to meteorology. Nevertheless, our lives can still be plagued with conflict and doubt because of poor choices, relationships gone awry or illnesses that doctors cannot cure. But we can remember that in our baptism, God has given each of us what we truly need, forgiveness of our sins and hope for our daily lives and for life everlasting.

O Lamb of God, I come to you just as I am, sometimes doubtful, sometimes confused. Help me to always remember that in spite of all my weaknesses, your blood shed for me is all that I need.

Marlene Hallstrom
Associate in Ministry

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