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Church People Programs Calendar Resources For Members
March 24, 2007

Read Isaiah 40: 27-31

But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not be faint. (v. 31)


In this passage, Isaiah writes of the power of God, which is incomparable to anything or anyone else. Although we may grow faint and weary, God will provide power and strength to all of his people – to all who wait.

In May, I completed Stephen Ministry training. What perfect timing. In learning how to be a Christian caregiver, I found the strength and power I needed to help myself through a difficult and trying time, the death of my father.

For a couple of months I watched my dear father grow faint and weary as he neared death. I know that he felt a power and strength from God that gave him a sense of peace and allowed him to maintain his wonderful sense of humor, which helped us all. We were surrounded by the love and comfort of others, including hospice nurses, who strengthened my family in understanding God’s love. We waited patiently. And when it was time, death was the door to a new beginning and an everlasting life without faintness or weariness.

I often wonder how those who don’t believe survive in this world. How is their strength renewed? Who lifts them up when they falter and fail?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your strength, your power and most of all for your everlasting love. Thank you for picking us up when we fall. Please help us to share your Word and your Love with everyone especially those who don’t believe.

Susan Martin

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