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March 20, 2007

Read Luke 10:38-42

But Martha was distracted by her many tasks… (v. 40)


When I was a child growing up in a large family, we siblings always squabbled about chore parity. Whatever chore our besieged mother would assign to us was immediately proclaimed "unfair!" This was particularly true of my brothers, whose sole chore was carrying out the trash – most of which was theirs anyway.

Fast forward some 40 years. I reflect that I have become the same haus frau as my mother, fussing and fretting over my own busy-ness, albeit without the squadrons of children to help me – only my poor over-worked husband.

It was remarkable for 1st century Palestinian Judaism that a woman would assume the posture of a disciple at the Master’s feet. Jesus’ reaction reflects his characteristic attitude toward women. He accepted both Mary and Martha just as they were, but he didn’t fail to say that Mary had chosen the better part.

A friend once said to me, "I didn’t come to see your house. I came to see you." Those are sobering, balancing words. The same friend once gave me a beautiful sampler she had cross-stitched. It hangs by the bathroom mirror, where Larry and I read it daily:

Never be in a hurry; do everything
quietly and in a calm spirit.

Do not lose your inward peace
for anything whatsoever,

even if your whole world seems upset.

Commend all to God and then be still
and be at rest in his bosom.

Dearest Lord, my soul in stillness waits. Give me the inner peace I need to hear your gentle guidance.

Joanne Ehrlich

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