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April 8, 2007 Easter Sunday

Read John 20:19-31

Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe." (v. 29)


When my parents named me, they certainly knew what they were doing. Whether a skeptic by birth, or one who simply grew into his namesake, I certainly identify with "Doubting" Thomas – my twin.

It is difficult for me to believe that which is not amply demonstrable. I shake my head in doubt and skepticism at TV shows like "Ghost Hunters" or "UFO Sightings." Give me the hard, cold scientific evidence, not some fabricated photo or gray, grainy video!

Such was the fate of Thomas – forever branded as the doubting disciple. Yet, what are the facts? Would you have felt differently? All the disciples but Thomas had the privilege of seeing the resurrected Lord firsthand. Giddy with emotion, they could talk about "seeing the Lord." It was a natural part of human behavior for Thomas to question such a fantastic claim.

Thomas sees the Lord for himself, and answers, "My Lord and my God!" It’s an ecstatic cry of faith. To dub this encounter "Doubting Thomas" is to completely miss the point. The focus is not Thomas’s doubt or skepticism. Rather, it is the abundant grace of Jesus, who meets Thomas just as he is.

My Lord and my God! Without touching our Lord, Thomas sees God fully revealed in Jesus. Christ offers himself to Thomas, and that brings about faith. Our Lord’s blessing of those who believe without seeing reassures us that physically seeing Jesus is not a requirement for faith. Yet, every Sunday is an Easter opportunity, with the privilege of hearing, tasting, smelling and touching Jesus.

So, if you find yourself doubting a little bit today, do not despair. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus offers himself to you, just as you are! In word and sacrament, the resurrected Lord faithfully comes to us. In Christ’s abundant grace, we confidently join the Easter chorus: The Lord is risen! Christ is risen indeed, Alleluia!

Dear God, you love us just as we are. Today, give us eyes to see with faith!

Pastor Tom Hallstrom

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