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Church People Programs Calendar Resources For Members
March 11, 2007

Read Psalm 32

Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and you forgave the guilt of my sin. (v. 5)


In the deathbed scene of an old tear-jerker movie, a beautiful young woman is dying of some dread disease. A handsome young man – her on-again, off-again soul mate – weeps at her bedside. There are no dry eyes in the house. "I’m sorry," she chokes, gasping for her last breath, remembering how hurtful her behavior has been to him and to their relationship. "Don’t be sorry," he sobs with equal emotion. "Love means never having to say you’re sorry."

Never having to say you’re sorry! Isn’t that what we all wish for in an intimate relationship? We long for a relationship with somebody who knows us so well and loves us so much that every foolish thing we do and every unkind sentence we utter is perfectly understood, no explanation required. We yearn for connection and search for that one person who will see into our very soul and accept whatever is found there … that one person who will love us so much that we’ll never have to say we’re sorry.

Well, as Dr. Phil always says in the face of unrealistic and unachievable expectation, "How’s that idea been working for you?"

Looking for perfect love? Don’t look across a crowded room. Don’t even look across the breakfast table. Look to the cross. There you will see the only One who knows you so well and loves you so much that every foolish thing you do and every unkind sentence you utter is perfectly understood, no explanation required. You will find the only One who can look into your soul and know what’s written on your heart.

You’ll never have to say you’re sorry to Jesus. He already knows.

God of Love, you know what’s in my heart. I confess my sins, not because you need to know, but because I need to tell you. I long to hear you say, "Your sins are forgiven."

Dallas Cronk

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