Reformation Lutheran Church A Congregation of the ELCA

Thursday, March 21 Read Psalm 63

O God, you are my God. I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. (v. 1)

Sharing Breakfast

We humans are constantly striving for food, water and love in order to survive. For some of us, those necessities are hard to come by. More than 68,000 people live below the poverty line in Wichita alone, and it can be overwhelming to see these people struggling while you feel like you have more than you need.

 In November of my 7th grade year, I began helping serve the community breakfast every third Saturday of the month at St. Paul's church. After helping there, I feel as if I have learned more about myself and God through this amazing experience than through anything else so far in my life.

One of my clearest memories while serving at the breakfast came during this past summer. Due to the immense heat, many people had come into the breakfast for temporary relief. The volunteers had begun to clean up, and people slowly began to head out. I heard quiet conversations of people's faith as a man began playing a Billy Joel song by ear on the small piano in the corner. People smiled as he began to find the rhythm and pattern of the notes, and the song began to sound more and more familiar.

Sometimes, when I see what is happening to others in the world or when I feel hurt beyond repair, it seems to become harder and harder to find God. With this event at the community breakfast, along with many other events I've experienced, I have seen that even in the darkest and “thirstiest” times, people can find God in their lives. They are faithful and thankful and find God everywhere. They look past what they are going through and continue to focus on their talents and find joy in little things.

If I were to be in the same situation as the people we serve at the community breakfast, would I be as faithful and continue to praise God as much as they do? I like to think I would. But I am only 13 years old and still have many trials to come. When I feel I am drowning, yet still thirsty, I will try to praise God and find strength.

Our breakfast guests are only one example of how God can shine through the darkness even in our hardest times. Praise be to God and the feast he provides.

Isabella Encapera,
Confirmation student

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