Reformation Lutheran Church A Congregation of the ELCA

Sunday, March 25

Read Psalm 91

You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust." (vv 1-2)


I was cleaning my basement recently and found a box of record albums from my dad's house. To my delight, our old Batman album was in that collection. I recalled the hours my brother Marque and I would spend, towels around our necks, with that album blaring, horns alerting us to the moment when we knew the giant ZAP or POW would flash across the screen. We were busy protecting the world from bad guys like the Joker, the Riddler and Catwoman. Often we would help friends escape harm by tucking them under our capes as we had seen Batman and Robin do on TV.

Of course, as I've aged, I find there are no caped crusaders in tights out running around in Wichita keeping me and my family safe. I have also learned that the villains depicted in that TV show were pretty mild by today's standards.

I know that God protects me and others - not by sending superheroes in capes, but by using ordinary people who do extraordinary things. It could be police or firefighters. It could be the teacher who notices signs of abuse in a student and notifies authorities, the person who mails a check to the Hunter Health Clinic or the customer at Target who helps a lost 2-year-old reunite with his parents.

There are so many ways that you and I can be God's superheroes - ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help others who need protection in this world.

Susayn Brandes

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